Plans are coming together for the inaugural pilgrim season to begin. An unexpected yet significant development is that off all of the potential pilgrims who expressed interest, everyone desires to be part of the first group of pilgrims, traveling from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Denver. For this reason, there was no sense in holding open the temporary pilgrim houses even for a week as was initially planned, but just for the first night to accommodate the group traveling together.
A second development came and went - the Waldo Canyon Wildfire - is now fully contained. The forest road that the camino follows between Monument and Woodland Park had been blocked off by the firefighters but should be open for us to pass.
Pilgrims have an opportunity to gather and meet during the three-day Kermes Bazaar on the 13th, 14th and 15th of July. It's the annual church bazaar at Our Lady of Guadalupe, and because it's a church with a specific mission toward latino, particularly Mexican, immigrants, there's definitely a south-of-the-border theme. Music, dancing, and diverse regional cuisines are being offered along with kids' games and prizes... general bazaar fare. There will be a pilgrim booth near the cantina with information available about foot pilgrimages in general and the Camino del Norte a Chimayo in particular with show-and-tell ... what's in the backpack? come and find out.
Those who cannot participate in the pilgrimage this year are welcome to come to the church to see the group off following 8 am Mass on July 22nd. There will be a sizable crowd.
Any last-minute pilgrims out there who are still undecided about joining the group from the beginning or from some stop along the way, please
contact us soon for more information.