Camino del Norte to Chimayó

An effort was made in the summer of 2012 to create a pilgrim route to the Santuario de Chimayó in northern New Mexico beginning in Denver, Colorado. Chimayó is a popular pilgrim destination in the US with tens of thousands of pilgrims making the pilgrimage by foot every year, particularly during Holy Week. For information about this destination, follow the links in the side panel.

A series of three existing routes were used to lead pilgrims between Denver and Chimayó: first, a miner’s route connecting Denver with the silver mining area of Cripple Creek; second, the Ute Indian migration path between the Front Range and the San Luis Valley that was also used by Zebulon Pike during his early exploration of the region following the Louisiana Purchase; finally, the upper reaches of the Rio Grande river used by the Franciscan Missionaries during the time of the Spanish Colonials. Most of the route is made up of graded forest roads, with the remainder on paved country roads. The route would be suitable for foot, off-road wheelchair and mountain bike.

Unlike the caminos in Spain, no network of pilgrim houses exists appropriately spaced to facilitate the pilgrimage. The feasibility of a pilgrim house system in Colorado and northern New Mexico was tested in the pioneer effort. The route originates in Denver, crosses the mountains between Monument and Woodland Park, again at Cripple Creek to Canon City, and into the San Luis Valley at Pass Creek Pass. Although the route passes through some villages and towns, shade and water stations were set up to support pilgrims with refreshments.

The pioneer pilgrims who made the pilgrimage along this Camino del Norte a Chimayo varied widely in background and level of experience. The success of the journey was overwhelming. It was a challenge for most, far beyond any effort they had previously attempted. There was general consensus that the most difficult part was that the distances were beyond the comfort level of most. The spacing of towns cannot be changed, so it is what it is. Perhaps in the future, interim stations would be established to make the stages a bit shorter though it would extend the number of days of the pilgrimage.

Advice to others interested in making the pilgrimage reasonably includes being well prepared both physically - to be able to walk 20 miles without getting blisters - and mentally - to be able to spend hours on end alone and unattached to electronic devices. The scenery, history and culture that the camino passes through is remarkable. The camino is real.

Anyone interested in making this pilgrimage is encouraged to contact the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at 303 477 1402 or the Santuario de Chimayo at 505 351 9961. Alternatively, an email inquiry can be sent through the link above.

Stage 2 Littleton to north of Sedalia

 20 miles  /  34 miles from Denver  /  316 miles to Chimayó
Stage 2: Littleton to near Sedalia
The safest way to exit Littleton is along South Prince St, past Jackass Hill Park, curving to the right with the main road that takes the name W. Jackass Hill Road to the intersection of W Mineral Ave.  Taking a right for 300 yards to S Santa Fe Dr, then left, continuing southward, out of the city limits.  Continue south on Santa Fe Drive until Louviers – no commercial services, though there are residences where water can be requested – about 4 miles (about an hour and a half) south of the underpass over C-470.  The sidewalk does not exist in all places.
Take a right onto W Kelly Ave then the first left onto North Cora Street, quickly renamed to Lavaun Dr to continue parallel to Santa Fe Drive.  Continue for about a half mile (less than 10 minutes) to the tee with Airport Road, taking a left then a quick right onto N Peterson Road, continuing south, parallel to Santa Fe Drive for 2.5 miles, about an hour, into Sedalia.  There are several commercial services in Sedalia, and water can be requested anywhere.  Bear right onto N Plum Ave until it ends in the center of town; take a right onto Manhart Ave (Hwy 67), then after crossing the stream, take the first right onto N Perry Park Road (Hwy 105) for the last 5 miles (approximately 2 hours).  St Philip in the Field Episcopal Church is on the right shortly past the fire station.

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